Whithout this change, the packet is miss interpretted as a valid one and breaks packet sequence as well as duration computation from prev. packet timestamp. Following description here https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5761#section-4. The second header byte is the best way to discriminate RTP data stream from RTCP packets. This change only focuses on the common scenario of Senders and Receiver report packets. Other RTCP packets are more ambiguous as they potentially conflict with payload types.
966 lines
28 KiB
966 lines
28 KiB
package rtspv2
import (
const (
SignalStreamRTPStop = iota
const (
VIDEO = "video"
AUDIO = "audio"
const (
RTPHeaderSize = 12
RTCPSenderReport = 200
RTCPReceiverReport = 201
const (
type RTSPClient struct {
control string
seq int
session string
realm string
nonce string
username string
password string
startVideoTS int64
startAudioTS int64
videoID int
audioID int
videoIDX int8
audioIDX int8
mediaSDP []sdp.Media
SDPRaw []byte
conn net.Conn
connRW *bufio.ReadWriter
pURL *url.URL
headers map[string]string
Signals chan int
OutgoingProxyQueue chan *[]byte
OutgoingPacketQueue chan *av.Packet
clientDigest bool
clientBasic bool
fuStarted bool
options RTSPClientOptions
BufferRtpPacket *bytes.Buffer
vps []byte
sps []byte
pps []byte
CodecData []av.CodecData
AudioTimeLine time.Duration
AudioTimeScale int64
audioCodec av.CodecType
videoCodec av.CodecType
PreAudioTS int64
PreVideoTS int64
PreSequenceNumber int
FPS int
WaitCodec bool
chTMP int
type RTSPClientOptions struct {
Debug bool
URL string
DialTimeout time.Duration
ReadWriteTimeout time.Duration
DisableAudio bool
OutgoingProxy bool
InsecureSkipVerify bool
func Dial(options RTSPClientOptions) (*RTSPClient, error) {
client := &RTSPClient{
headers: make(map[string]string),
Signals: make(chan int, 100),
OutgoingProxyQueue: make(chan *[]byte, 3000),
OutgoingPacketQueue: make(chan *av.Packet, 3000),
BufferRtpPacket: bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}),
videoID: -1,
audioID: -2,
videoIDX: -1,
audioIDX: -2,
options: options,
AudioTimeScale: 8000,
client.headers["User-Agent"] = "Lavf58.76.100"
err := client.parseURL(html.UnescapeString(client.options.URL))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", client.pURL.Host, client.options.DialTimeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(client.options.ReadWriteTimeout))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if client.pURL.Scheme == "rtsps" {
tlsConn := tls.Client(conn, &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: options.InsecureSkipVerify, ServerName: client.pURL.Hostname()})
err = tlsConn.Handshake()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conn = tlsConn
client.conn = conn
client.connRW = bufio.NewReadWriter(bufio.NewReader(conn), bufio.NewWriter(conn))
err = client.request(OPTIONS, nil, client.pURL.String(), false, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = client.request(DESCRIBE, map[string]string{"Accept": "application/sdp"}, client.pURL.String(), false, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, i2 := range client.mediaSDP {
if (i2.AVType != VIDEO && i2.AVType != AUDIO) || (client.options.DisableAudio && i2.AVType == AUDIO) {
err = client.request(SETUP, map[string]string{"Transport": "RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=" + strconv.Itoa(client.chTMP) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(client.chTMP+1)}, client.ControlTrack(i2.Control), false, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if i2.AVType == VIDEO {
if i2.Type == av.H264 {
if len(i2.SpropParameterSets) > 1 {
if codecData, err := h264parser.NewCodecDataFromSPSAndPPS(i2.SpropParameterSets[0], i2.SpropParameterSets[1]); err == nil {
client.sps = i2.SpropParameterSets[0]
client.pps = i2.SpropParameterSets[1]
client.CodecData = append(client.CodecData, codecData)
} else {
client.CodecData = append(client.CodecData, h264parser.CodecData{})
client.WaitCodec = true
client.FPS = i2.FPS
client.videoCodec = av.H264
} else if i2.Type == av.H265 {
if len(i2.SpropVPS) > 1 && len(i2.SpropSPS) > 1 && len(i2.SpropPPS) > 1 {
if codecData, err := h265parser.NewCodecDataFromVPSAndSPSAndPPS(i2.SpropVPS, i2.SpropSPS, i2.SpropPPS); err == nil {
client.vps = i2.SpropVPS
client.sps = i2.SpropSPS
client.pps = i2.SpropPPS
client.CodecData = append(client.CodecData, codecData)
} else {
client.CodecData = append(client.CodecData, h265parser.CodecData{})
client.videoCodec = av.H265
} else {
client.Println("SDP Video Codec Type Not Supported", i2.Type)
client.videoIDX = int8(len(client.CodecData) - 1)
client.videoID = client.chTMP
if i2.AVType == AUDIO {
client.audioID = client.chTMP
var CodecData av.AudioCodecData
switch i2.Type {
case av.AAC:
CodecData, err = aacparser.NewCodecDataFromMPEG4AudioConfigBytes(i2.Config)
if err == nil {
client.Println("Audio AAC bad config")
case av.OPUS:
var cl av.ChannelLayout
switch i2.ChannelCount {
case 1:
cl = av.CH_MONO
case 2:
cl = av.CH_STEREO
cl = av.CH_MONO
CodecData = codec.NewOpusCodecData(i2.TimeScale, cl)
case av.PCM_MULAW:
CodecData = codec.NewPCMMulawCodecData()
case av.PCM_ALAW:
CodecData = codec.NewPCMAlawCodecData()
case av.PCM:
CodecData = codec.NewPCMCodecData()
client.Println("Audio Codec", i2.Type, "not supported")
if CodecData != nil {
client.CodecData = append(client.CodecData, CodecData)
client.audioIDX = int8(len(client.CodecData) - 1)
client.audioCodec = CodecData.Type()
if i2.TimeScale != 0 {
client.AudioTimeScale = int64(i2.TimeScale)
client.chTMP += 2
//test := map[string]string{"Scale": "1.000000", "Speed": "1.000000", "Range": "clock=20210929T210000Z-20210929T211000Z"}
err = client.request(PLAY, nil, client.control, false, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go client.startStream()
return client, nil
func (client *RTSPClient) ControlTrack(track string) string {
if strings.Contains(track, "rtsp://") {
return track
if !strings.HasSuffix(client.control, "/") {
track = "/" + track
return client.control + track
func (client *RTSPClient) startStream() {
defer func() {
client.Signals <- SignalStreamRTPStop
timer := time.Now()
oneb := make([]byte, 1)
header := make([]byte, 4)
var fixed bool
for {
err := client.conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(client.options.ReadWriteTimeout))
if err != nil {
client.Println("RTSP Client RTP SetDeadline", err)
if int(time.Now().Sub(timer).Seconds()) > 25 {
err := client.request(OPTIONS, map[string]string{"Require": "implicit-play"}, client.control, false, true)
if err != nil {
client.Println("RTSP Client RTP keep-alive", err)
timer = time.Now()
if !fixed {
nb, err := io.ReadFull(client.connRW, header)
if err != nil || nb != 4 {
client.Println("RTSP Client RTP Read Header", err)
fixed = false
switch header[0] {
case 0x24:
length := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(header[2:]))
if length > 65535 || length < 12 {
client.Println("RTSP Client RTP Incorrect Packet Size")
content := make([]byte, length+4)
content[0] = header[0]
content[1] = header[1]
content[2] = header[2]
content[3] = header[3]
n, rerr := io.ReadFull(client.connRW, content[4:length+4])
if rerr != nil || n != int(length) {
client.Println("RTSP Client RTP ReadFull", err)
//atomic.AddInt64(&client.Bitrate, int64(length+4))
if client.options.OutgoingProxy {
if len(client.OutgoingProxyQueue) < 2000 {
client.OutgoingProxyQueue <- &content
} else {
client.Println("RTSP Client OutgoingProxy Chanel Full")
pkt, got := client.RTPDemuxer(&content)
if !got {
for _, i2 := range pkt {
if len(client.OutgoingPacketQueue) > 2000 {
client.Println("RTSP Client OutgoingPacket Chanel Full")
client.OutgoingPacketQueue <- i2
case 0x52:
var responseTmp []byte
for {
n, rerr := io.ReadFull(client.connRW, oneb)
if rerr != nil || n != 1 {
client.Println("RTSP Client RTP Read Keep-Alive Header", rerr)
responseTmp = append(responseTmp, oneb...)
if (len(responseTmp) > 4 && bytes.Compare(responseTmp[len(responseTmp)-4:], []byte("\r\n\r\n")) == 0) || len(responseTmp) > 768 {
if strings.Contains(string(responseTmp), "Content-Length:") {
si, err := strconv.Atoi(stringInBetween(string(responseTmp), "Content-Length: ", "\r\n"))
if err != nil {
client.Println("RTSP Client RTP Read Keep-Alive Content-Length", err)
cont := make([]byte, si)
_, err = io.ReadFull(client.connRW, cont)
if err != nil {
client.Println("RTSP Client RTP Read Keep-Alive ReadFull", err)
client.Println("RTSP Client RTP Read DeSync")
func (client *RTSPClient) request(method string, customHeaders map[string]string, uri string, one bool, nores bool) (err error) {
err = client.conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(client.options.ReadWriteTimeout))
if err != nil {
builder := bytes.Buffer{}
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s RTSP/1.0\r\n", method, uri))
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("CSeq: %d\r\n", client.seq))
if client.clientDigest {
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Authorization: %s\r\n", client.createDigest(method, uri)))
if customHeaders != nil {
for k, v := range customHeaders {
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", k, v))
for k, v := range client.headers {
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", k, v))
s := builder.String()
_, err = client.connRW.WriteString(s)
if err != nil {
err = client.connRW.Flush()
if err != nil {
if !nores {
var isPrefix bool
var line []byte
var contentLen int
res := make(map[string]string)
for {
line, isPrefix, err = client.connRW.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(string(line), "RTSP/1.0") && (!strings.Contains(string(line), "200") && !strings.Contains(string(line), "401")) {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
err = errors.New("Camera send status" + string(line))
if !isPrefix {
if len(line) == 0 {
splits := strings.SplitN(string(line), ":", 2)
if len(splits) == 2 {
if splits[0] == "Content-length" {
splits[0] = "Content-Length"
res[splits[0]] = splits[1]
if val, ok := res["WWW-Authenticate"]; ok {
if strings.Contains(val, "Digest") {
client.realm = stringInBetween(val, "realm=\"", "\"")
client.nonce = stringInBetween(val, "nonce=\"", "\"")
client.clientDigest = true
} else if strings.Contains(val, "Basic") {
client.headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(client.username+":"+client.password))
client.clientBasic = true
if !one {
err = client.request(method, customHeaders, uri, true, false)
err = errors.New("RTSP Client Unauthorized 401")
if val, ok := res["Session"]; ok {
splits2 := strings.Split(val, ";")
client.session = strings.TrimSpace(splits2[0])
client.headers["Session"] = strings.TrimSpace(splits2[0])
if val, ok := res["Content-Base"]; ok {
client.control = strings.TrimSpace(val)
if val, ok := res["RTP-Info"]; ok {
splits := strings.Split(val, ",")
for _, v := range splits {
splits2 := strings.Split(v, ";")
for _, vs := range splits2 {
if strings.Contains(vs, "rtptime") {
splits3 := strings.Split(vs, "=")
if len(splits3) == 2 {
if client.startVideoTS == 0 {
ts, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(splits3[1]))
client.startVideoTS = int64(ts)
} else {
ts, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(splits3[1]))
client.startAudioTS = int64(ts)
if method == DESCRIBE {
if val, ok := res["Content-Length"]; ok {
contentLen, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(val))
if err != nil {
client.SDPRaw = make([]byte, contentLen)
_, err = io.ReadFull(client.connRW, client.SDPRaw)
if err != nil {
_, client.mediaSDP = sdp.Parse(string(client.SDPRaw))
if method == SETUP {
//deep := stringInBetween(builder.String(), "interleaved=", ";")
if val, ok := res["Transport"]; ok {
splits2 := strings.Split(val, ";")
for _, vs := range splits2 {
if strings.Contains(vs, "interleaved") {
splits3 := strings.Split(vs, "=")
if len(splits3) == 2 {
splits4 := strings.Split(splits3[1], "-")
if len(splits4) == 2 {
if val, err := strconv.Atoi(splits4[0]); err == nil {
client.chTMP = val
func (client *RTSPClient) Close() {
if client.conn != nil {
client.request(TEARDOWN, nil, client.control, false, true)
err := client.conn.Close()
client.Println("RTSP Client Close", err)
func (client *RTSPClient) parseURL(rawURL string) error {
l, err := url.Parse(rawURL)
if err != nil {
return err
username := l.User.Username()
password, _ := l.User.Password()
l.User = nil
if l.Port() == "" {
l.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", l.Host, "554")
if l.Scheme != "rtsp" && l.Scheme != "rtsps" {
l.Scheme = "rtsp"
client.pURL = l
client.username = username
client.password = password
client.control = l.String()
return nil
func (client *RTSPClient) createDigest(method string, uri string) string {
md5UserRealmPwd := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", client.username, client.realm, client.password))))
md5MethodURL := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", method, uri))))
response := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", md5UserRealmPwd, client.nonce, md5MethodURL))))
Authorization := fmt.Sprintf("Digest username=\"%s\", realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", uri=\"%s\", response=\"%s\"", client.username, client.realm, client.nonce, uri, response)
return Authorization
func stringInBetween(str string, start string, end string) (result string) {
s := strings.Index(str, start)
if s == -1 {
str = str[s+len(start):]
e := strings.Index(str, end)
if e == -1 {
str = str[:e]
return str
func (client *RTSPClient) RTPDemuxer(payloadRAW *[]byte) ([]*av.Packet, bool) {
content := *payloadRAW
firstByte := content[4]
padding := (firstByte>>5)&1 == 1
extension := (firstByte>>4)&1 == 1
CSRCCnt := int(firstByte & 0x0f)
SequenceNumber := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(content[6:8]))
timestamp := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(content[8:16]))
if isRTCPPacket(content) {
client.Println("skipping RTCP packet")
return nil, false
offset := RTPHeaderSize
end := len(content)
if end-offset >= 4*CSRCCnt {
offset += 4 * CSRCCnt
if extension && len(content) < 4+offset+2+2 {
return nil, false
if extension && end-offset >= 4 {
extLen := 4 * int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(content[4+offset+2:]))
offset += 4
if end-offset >= extLen {
offset += extLen
if padding && end-offset > 0 {
paddingLen := int(content[end-1])
if end-offset >= paddingLen {
end -= paddingLen
offset += 4
switch int(content[1]) {
case client.videoID:
if client.PreVideoTS == 0 {
client.PreVideoTS = timestamp
if timestamp-client.PreVideoTS < 0 {
if math.MaxUint32-client.PreVideoTS < 90*100 { //100 ms
client.PreVideoTS = 0
client.PreVideoTS -= (math.MaxUint32 - client.PreVideoTS)
} else {
client.PreVideoTS = 0
if client.PreSequenceNumber != 0 && SequenceNumber-client.PreSequenceNumber != 1 {
client.Println("drop packet", SequenceNumber-1)
client.PreSequenceNumber = SequenceNumber
if client.BufferRtpPacket.Len() > 4048576 {
client.Println("Big Buffer Flush")
nalRaw, _ := h264parser.SplitNALUs(content[offset:end])
if len(nalRaw) == 0 || len(nalRaw[0]) == 0 {
return nil, false
var retmap []*av.Packet
for _, nal := range nalRaw {
if client.videoCodec == av.H265 {
naluType := (nal[0] >> 1) & 0x3f
switch naluType {
retmap = append(retmap, &av.Packet{
Data: append(binSize(len(nal)), nal...),
CompositionTime: time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond,
Idx: client.videoIDX,
IsKeyFrame: false,
Duration: time.Duration(float32(timestamp-client.PreVideoTS)/90) * time.Millisecond,
Time: time.Duration(timestamp/90) * time.Millisecond,
case h265parser.NAL_UNIT_VPS:
case h265parser.NAL_UNIT_SPS:
case h265parser.NAL_UNIT_PPS:
case h265parser.NAL_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED_49:
se := nal[2] >> 6
naluType := nal[2] & 0x3f
if se == 2 {
client.BufferRtpPacket.Write([]byte{(nal[0] & 0x81) | (naluType << 1), nal[1]})
r := make([]byte, 2)
r[1] = nal[1]
r[0] = (nal[0] & 0x81) | (naluType << 1)
} else if se == 1 {
retmap = append(retmap, &av.Packet{
Data: append(binSize(client.BufferRtpPacket.Len()), client.BufferRtpPacket.Bytes()...),
CompositionTime: time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond,
Idx: client.videoIDX,
IsKeyFrame: naluType == h265parser.NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL,
Duration: time.Duration(float32(timestamp-client.PreVideoTS)/90) * time.Millisecond,
Time: time.Duration(timestamp/90) * time.Millisecond,
} else {
//client.Println("Unsupported Nal", naluType)
} else if client.videoCodec == av.H264 {
naluType := nal[0] & 0x1f
switch {
case naluType >= 1 && naluType <= 5:
retmap = append(retmap, &av.Packet{
Data: append(binSize(len(nal)), nal...),
CompositionTime: time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond,
Idx: client.videoIDX,
IsKeyFrame: naluType == 5,
Duration: time.Duration(float32(timestamp-client.PreVideoTS)/90) * time.Millisecond,
Time: time.Duration(timestamp/90) * time.Millisecond,
case naluType == 7:
case naluType == 8:
case naluType == 24:
packet := nal[1:]
for len(packet) >= 2 {
size := int(packet[0])<<8 | int(packet[1])
if size+2 > len(packet) {
naluTypefs := packet[2] & 0x1f
switch {
case naluTypefs >= 1 && naluTypefs <= 5:
retmap = append(retmap, &av.Packet{
Data: append(binSize(len(packet[2:size+2])), packet[2:size+2]...),
CompositionTime: time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond,
Idx: client.videoIDX,
IsKeyFrame: naluType == 5,
Duration: time.Duration(float32(timestamp-client.PreVideoTS)/90) * time.Millisecond,
Time: time.Duration(timestamp/90) * time.Millisecond,
case naluTypefs == 7:
client.CodecUpdateSPS(packet[2 : size+2])
case naluTypefs == 8:
client.CodecUpdatePPS(packet[2 : size+2])
packet = packet[size+2:]
case naluType == 28:
fuIndicator := content[offset]
fuHeader := content[offset+1]
isStart := fuHeader&0x80 != 0
isEnd := fuHeader&0x40 != 0
if isStart {
client.fuStarted = true
client.BufferRtpPacket.Write([]byte{fuIndicator&0xe0 | fuHeader&0x1f})
if client.fuStarted {
client.BufferRtpPacket.Write(content[offset+2 : end])
if isEnd {
client.fuStarted = false
naluTypef := client.BufferRtpPacket.Bytes()[0] & 0x1f
if naluTypef == 7 || naluTypef == 9 {
bufered, _ := h264parser.SplitNALUs(append([]byte{0, 0, 0, 1}, client.BufferRtpPacket.Bytes()...))
for _, v := range bufered {
naluTypefs := v[0] & 0x1f
switch {
case naluTypefs == 5:
naluTypef = 5
case naluTypefs == 7:
case naluTypefs == 8:
retmap = append(retmap, &av.Packet{
Data: append(binSize(client.BufferRtpPacket.Len()), client.BufferRtpPacket.Bytes()...),
CompositionTime: time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond,
Duration: time.Duration(float32(timestamp-client.PreVideoTS)/90) * time.Millisecond,
Idx: client.videoIDX,
IsKeyFrame: naluTypef == 5,
Time: time.Duration(timestamp/90) * time.Millisecond,
client.Println("Unsupported NAL Type", naluType)
if len(retmap) > 0 {
client.PreVideoTS = timestamp
return retmap, true
case client.audioID:
if client.PreAudioTS == 0 {
client.PreAudioTS = timestamp
nalRaw, _ := h264parser.SplitNALUs(content[offset:end])
var retmap []*av.Packet
for _, nal := range nalRaw {
var duration time.Duration
switch client.audioCodec {
case av.PCM_MULAW:
duration = time.Duration(len(nal)) * time.Second / time.Duration(client.AudioTimeScale)
client.AudioTimeLine += duration
retmap = append(retmap, &av.Packet{
Data: nal,
CompositionTime: time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond,
Duration: duration,
Idx: client.audioIDX,
IsKeyFrame: false,
Time: client.AudioTimeLine,
case av.PCM_ALAW:
duration = time.Duration(len(nal)) * time.Second / time.Duration(client.AudioTimeScale)
client.AudioTimeLine += duration
retmap = append(retmap, &av.Packet{
Data: nal,
CompositionTime: time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond,
Duration: duration,
Idx: client.audioIDX,
IsKeyFrame: false,
Time: client.AudioTimeLine,
case av.OPUS:
duration = time.Duration(20) * time.Millisecond
client.AudioTimeLine += duration
retmap = append(retmap, &av.Packet{
Data: nal,
CompositionTime: time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond,
Duration: duration,
Idx: client.audioIDX,
IsKeyFrame: false,
Time: client.AudioTimeLine,
case av.AAC:
auHeadersLength := uint16(0) | (uint16(nal[0]) << 8) | uint16(nal[1])
auHeadersCount := auHeadersLength >> 4
framesPayloadOffset := 2 + int(auHeadersCount)<<1
auHeaders := nal[2:framesPayloadOffset]
framesPayload := nal[framesPayloadOffset:]
for i := 0; i < int(auHeadersCount); i++ {
auHeader := uint16(0) | (uint16(auHeaders[0]) << 8) | uint16(auHeaders[1])
frameSize := auHeader >> 3
frame := framesPayload[:frameSize]
auHeaders = auHeaders[2:]
framesPayload = framesPayload[frameSize:]
if _, _, _, _, err := aacparser.ParseADTSHeader(frame); err == nil {
frame = frame[7:]
duration = time.Duration((float32(1024)/float32(client.AudioTimeScale))*1000*1000*1000) * time.Nanosecond
client.AudioTimeLine += duration
retmap = append(retmap, &av.Packet{
Data: frame,
CompositionTime: time.Duration(1) * time.Millisecond,
Duration: duration,
Idx: client.audioIDX,
IsKeyFrame: false,
Time: client.AudioTimeLine,
if len(retmap) > 0 {
client.PreAudioTS = timestamp
return retmap, true
//client.Println("Unsuported Intervaled data packet", int(content[1]), content[offset:end])
return nil, false
func (client *RTSPClient) CodecUpdateSPS(val []byte) {
if client.videoCodec != av.H264 && client.videoCodec != av.H265 {
if bytes.Compare(val, client.sps) == 0 {
client.sps = val
if (client.videoCodec == av.H264 && len(client.pps) == 0) || (client.videoCodec == av.H265 && (len(client.vps) == 0 || len(client.pps) == 0)) {
var codecData av.VideoCodecData
var err error
switch client.videoCodec {
case av.H264:
client.Println("Codec Update SPS", val)
codecData, err = h264parser.NewCodecDataFromSPSAndPPS(val, client.pps)
if err != nil {
client.Println("Parse Codec Data Error", err)
case av.H265:
codecData, err = h265parser.NewCodecDataFromVPSAndSPSAndPPS(client.vps, val, client.pps)
if err != nil {
client.Println("Parse Codec Data Error", err)
if len(client.CodecData) > 0 {
for i, i2 := range client.CodecData {
if i2.Type().IsVideo() {
client.CodecData[i] = codecData
} else {
client.CodecData = append(client.CodecData, codecData)
client.Signals <- SignalCodecUpdate
func (client *RTSPClient) CodecUpdatePPS(val []byte) {
if client.videoCodec != av.H264 && client.videoCodec != av.H265 {
if bytes.Compare(val, client.pps) == 0 {
client.pps = val
if (client.videoCodec == av.H264 && len(client.sps) == 0) || (client.videoCodec == av.H265 && (len(client.vps) == 0 || len(client.sps) == 0)) {
var codecData av.VideoCodecData
var err error
switch client.videoCodec {
case av.H264:
client.Println("Codec Update PPS", val)
codecData, err = h264parser.NewCodecDataFromSPSAndPPS(client.sps, val)
if err != nil {
client.Println("Parse Codec Data Error", err)
case av.H265:
codecData, err = h265parser.NewCodecDataFromVPSAndSPSAndPPS(client.vps, client.sps, val)
if err != nil {
client.Println("Parse Codec Data Error", err)
if len(client.CodecData) > 0 {
for i, i2 := range client.CodecData {
if i2.Type().IsVideo() {
client.CodecData[i] = codecData
} else {
client.CodecData = append(client.CodecData, codecData)
client.Signals <- SignalCodecUpdate
func (client *RTSPClient) CodecUpdateVPS(val []byte) {
if client.videoCodec != av.H265 {
if bytes.Compare(val, client.vps) == 0 {
client.vps = val
if len(client.sps) == 0 || len(client.pps) == 0 {
codecData, err := h265parser.NewCodecDataFromVPSAndSPSAndPPS(val, client.sps, client.pps)
if err != nil {
client.Println("Parse Codec Data Error", err)
if len(client.CodecData) > 0 {
for i, i2 := range client.CodecData {
if i2.Type().IsVideo() {
client.CodecData[i] = codecData
} else {
client.CodecData = append(client.CodecData, codecData)
client.Signals <- SignalCodecUpdate
//Println mini logging functions
func (client *RTSPClient) Println(v ...interface{}) {
if client.options.Debug {
func binSize(val int) []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(val))
return buf
func isRTCPPacket(content []byte) bool {
rtcpPacketType := content[5]
return rtcpPacketType == RTCPSenderReport || rtcpPacketType == RTCPReceiverReport